Saturday, 11 August, 2018

The Chirnside Park Fire Brigade is responding to fires and other emergencies in a new Field Command Vehicle (FCV), thanks to a grant from the Andrews Labor Government.

Parliamentary Secretary for Emergency Services, Harriet Shing officially handed over keys to the $60,000 vehicle today, providing a major boost to one of the state’s newest volunteer brigades.

Ms Shing today also officially opened the brigade’s new shed and workshop and handed over a new thermal imaging camera.

The FCV will help Chirnside Park members get to incidents more quickly, including off-road areas that can be difficult to access.

It is fitted out with the latest technology and equipment, including radios, lights, sirens, fire blankets and a first-aid kit.  

The vehicle will also be used to transport brigade members to training and other official activities.

The FCV cost $59,241 and has been partly funded with a $39,494 grant from the government’s Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program (VESEP). The brigade has also made a co-contribution of $19,747.

The $40,000 shed and workshop and the $11,000 thermal-imaging camera have both been made possible by the government’s Emergency Services Volunteer Sustainability grants program.

The Chirnside Park Fire Brigade started operating in July 2015, and has quickly expanded to the point where it now has 62 volunteer members. The brigade attended 214 incidents in 2017-18.

Prior to 2015, the Chirnside Park Fire Station had operated as a satellite station for the Lilydale Fire Brigade.

Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for Emergency Services, Harriet Shing

“Chirnside Park Fire Brigade has made a significant contribution to community safety since it opened three years ago.”

“The new Field Command Vehicle will support the volunteers’ efforts, making it easier for them to get to incidents in Chirnside Park and neighbouring areas such as Wonga Park, Mooroolbark and Coldstream.”

“The new shed and workshop and thermal-imaging camera are also welcome additions for the brigade.”